Saturday, October 13, 2012

Take the Test: You Might Be a Conservative!

One thing the Democratic Party is wildly successful at is demonizing the opposition. Conservatives like me are routinely portrayed by the media as heartless extremists who want to starve school-children, keep women barefoot and pregnant, and push little old ladies over a cliff.

Why otherwise intelligent people believe this mystifies me. But we are creatures of habit, and if a big lie is repeated often enough, it becomes believable.

Sometimes we even vote out of habit. After several recent conversations with life-long Democrat friends, I have come to the conclusion that there are a lot of them who automatically vote for Democrats in every election without ever giving it a second thought. 

Does this describe you? Don't worry, there is hope! Take the following simple quiz to find out what kind of American you are. You may discover that you really do have a choice.

1. The answer for every problem in American society is to create another government agency and borrow more money from China to pay for it.  T  F

2. The United States will be safer from threats by Communist dictatorships and rogue terrorist states if we slash our military defense budget and unilaterally cut our nuclear missile defense by 90%.  T  F

3. The best way to build a strong economy is for the government to gain more control over private businesses, and to keep printing billions and billions more dollars of paper money.   T   F

4. The Constitution is old-fashioned and out of date, and it prevents our government officials from creating the regulations needed to control us.   T   F

5. The best way to create strong, stable families is to promote homosexual marriage and provide government-funded abortions to teenage girls without their parents' consent.   T   F

6. Individual liberty is over-rated. We should learn to behave as we are instructed, and allow unelected government bureaucrats to decide what is best for us.   T   F

7. The best way to conduct honest elections is to let anybody who shows up at a polling place cast a ballot without having to prove who they are, which also allows them to vote at as many polling places as possible on election day.   T   F

8. Rich people are evil. Anyone who is successful must have stolen it from someone else, so the government should be encouraged to confiscate as much of their wealth as possible.   T   F

9. There is no God. The state is our ultimate authority. The only rights we have as citizens are whatever privileges the state decides to grant to us.   T   F

10. No one is responsible for themselves. The government should provide young women with contraceptives; food stamp recipients with cell phones; and those out of work with 2 years of unemployment benefits.   T   F

11. Congress is too powerful. If the President cannot ram his unpopular agenda through Congress, he has the right to simply issue an executive order and bypass the legislative branch of government.   T   F

12. It doesn't matter if our country goes bankrupt, as long as we get all we can. The future is our kids' problem.   T   F

Now check your answers:

9 or more TRUE answers: You must be a Democrat. You are just the kind of voter that welfare-state politicians drool over. You have my sympathy.
5 to 9 TRUE answers: You are either lost in the '60s, or you are just too young to know better.

1 to 5 TRUE answers: You are getting closer to the light. There is hope for you.

0 TRUE answers: Congratulations! You are a responsible conservative citizen with your head screwed on straight. And if you answered FALSE to all these questions, why would you even think about voting for Barack Obama?

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Using the Poor as Political Pawns

Once again my favorite pundit, Thomas Sowell, pokes holes in some political myths about the poor. READ MORE