Saturday, November 17, 2012

Comic of the Week

What was the Price for Your Vote?

The old joke goes something like this: One evening at the country club, a wealthy old codger propositions a sweet young thing sitting at the bar.

He asks, "Would you sleep with me tonight for a million dollars?"

"Okay," replies the sweet young thing, "where would you like to go?"

"I'm not sure," he answers. "First I have to ask -- how about sleeping with me tonight for a hundred dollars?"

"Absolutely not!" she retorts in a huff. "Just what kind of girl do you think I am?"

The old man smiled. "We've already established that, my dear. Now we are just negotiating the price."

In recent political conversations with a number of liberal acquaintances, I have noticed a disturbing pattern. None of them cares to discuss the facts or the figures concerning the budget woes our country faces.

What they want to talk about is what the government owes them. They rail against the stingy Republicans who want to cut back on the entitlements promised to them by the generous, compassionate Democrats. (Of course, they never stop to consider how easy it is for the Democrats to spend someone else's money.)

One young man flatly stated that he supported Obama because of the Obamacare mandate that young adults could stay on their parents' health insurance until age 26. That was an important benefit for him.

I asked him at what age people should be expected to grow up and fend for themselves. Why not extend the age limit to 30? Why not 40? Why not stay on your parents' insurance until they keel over?

He had no answer. All he knew is that he wanted whatever he could get, and Obama was the one who would give it to him.

Another friend told me he didn't care about the deficit, he just wanted what he had coming to him in government benefits.

When you talk to people on the dole (or those who hope to be) there is no political issue, other than entitlements, that concerns them. They don't care about our military readiness, the defense of our borders, the disintegration of American family life, or the threat to our individual liberties from the ever-expanding control of our government.

All they care about is that the Democrats promise to keep the gravy train rolling, and they want to be sure they are at the station when it arrives.

From conversations like these, one might reasonably conclude that Democrats expand their political power by their willingness to confiscate money from people who work, and then use those funds to buy votes from the people who want to collect benefits.

How can we ever put a stop to this madness? How do you win an election against Santa Claus?

We are now in a situation where almost 50% of the voting-age population pays no federal income tax. Even worse, over 50% of the population receives some form of government hand-out.

Every pitch the Democrats make is a give-away to some special interest group. To the Latinos, they promise amnesty and welfare. To the gays, they promise same-sex marriage with all of the attached tax benefits. To low-income groups, they promise increasing unemployment benefits and food stamps. To women they promise government-sponsored abortion and contraceptive services. To government union employees, they promise continued exorbitant pension plans.

And who can forget the video of that whacked-out protester screeching about her Obama-phone? 

Never mind the detrimental consequences of these promises. Never mind that we cannot afford all of this. Never mind that we are now borrowing 40 cents of every dollar the government spends. Never mind that we are condemning our children to national bankruptcy.

None of that mattered to the liberal voters in 2012.

The Democrats have successfully created an electoral majority of moochers who have traded their liberty for the promise of a government hand-out.
The "fundamental transformation" of America has begun. Our democratic republic is fast becoming a socialist nanny-state.

And that (along with the support of a lapdog media that covered his butt at every turn) is how President Barack Obama got himself re-elected.