Remember how he said we would all save $2500 per year on our premiums? Obama also promised, “If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what.”
Our president scores four noses on the Pinocchio scale in just that one paragraph!
Michelle Malkin posted a column recently (Obama Lied, My Health Plan Died) detailing the loss of her family's personal health insurance coverage. She also gives a few examples of the many tweets being posted around the country by people who have shared her experience:
Linda Deright posted her letter from Regency of Washington state: “63 percent jump, old policy of 15 yrs. cancelled.” Karen J. Dugan wrote: “Received same notice from Blue Shield CA for our small business. Driven into exchange and no info since online site is down.” Chris Birk wrote: “Got notice from BCBS that my current health plan is not ACA compliant. New plan 2x as costly for worse coverage.” Small-business owner Villi Wilson posted his letter from HMSA Blue Cross Blue Shield canceling his individual plan and added: “I thought Obama said if I like my health care plan I can keep my health care plan.”Millions of Americans are losing their coverage. Millions more have experienced the sticker shock of 50% to 100% increases in their premium rates.
However, the steepest hikes to our insurance costs have been slipped in under the radar. In preparation for the sky-rocketing expense of Obamacare, health insurance companies have been ratcheting up the out-of-pocket expenses to policy-holders.
In addition to a steep rise in the deductible threshold, most health insurance policies have DOUBLED the out-of-pocket maximum limits in the past year.
Last year it cost me $6,000 to hit the max on my out-of-pocket expenses. In 2013 I maxed out again, but this time it cost me $12,000.
In just one year, I am $6,000 poorer because of Barack Obama.
I am not alone. Millions of Americans are already suffering because of the so-called Affordable Care Act. I am personally acquainted with several people who are paying $10,000 to $12,000 in out-of-pocket expenses for medical bills this year.
It used to be that people held community fund-raisers if they had no insurance and needed help to pay their medical bills. Now people WITH insurance are fund-raising because they cannot afford their maximum out-of-pocket expenses.
I have to wonder: How many of the people struggling with their medical bills this year supported Barack Obama in 2012? I would really like to know, because a vote for Obama in 2012 was essentially a vote for Obamacare.
I hate to sound so snarky, but if you helped to elect this Socialist President of ours, I will have a hard time ginning up any sympathy for you when you can't pay your medical bills. Elections have consequences, and you are getting exactly what you voted for.
The media crucified Ted Cruz and Tea Party Republicans for their recent efforts to de-fund Obamacare and pull the plug on this disaster. The de-fund effort failed, and now we can all see the results.
Every catastrophic prediction made about Obamacare is coming true right before our eyes.
So how is that "hope and change" thing working for you now?