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Has any person in human history ever experienced greater joy, and yet
endured more painful heartache, than Mary the mother of Jesus?
There is a scene near the end of The Passion of the Christ
where the Roman soldiers are lowering Jesus' body from the cross.
They place him into the arms of Mary as she kneels speechless before
The scene ends with a haunting image of Mary cradling the corpse of
her mutilated, crucified son in her lap. She has no tears left to
cry. The awful events of the day have wrung her dry.
Numbed with grief, she stares off into space as her gown is soaked by
the blood that is still seeping from the ghastly wounds in Jesus’
lifeless body.
How could this be?
How did we, as a society, ever get to the point where we have to debate the definition of marriage? We got here by walking away from God one step at a time, that's how.
Anyone who truly believes that the Bible is the word of God is forced to acknowledge the reality of sin.
We are fallen sinful people living in a fallen sinful world.
"Sin" is not a popular word in politically correct post-Christian America. But God speaks pretty plainly in Scripture about the reality of our human condition, and "sin" is the word he uses repeatedly to describe our moral shortcomings.
If you do not believe in sin, then you do not believe the Bible. And it is OK if you do not believe the Bible. We live in a free society and freedom of conscience is enshrined in our Constitution. Your right to believe whatever you want to believe is guaranteed by the First Amendment.
Of course, the First Amendment cannot guarantee that whatever you want to believe is true.