Thursday, March 25, 2010

Grab Your Pitchforks - The Monster Lives!

Just like Dr. Frankenstein, President Barack Obama labored behind closed doors, night after long night, experimenting with how he could bring to life the creature that would ensure his legacy.

There were many setbacks along the way, but at long last, by shredding the Constitution and repudiating the will of the American people, Obamacare now lives.

America used to be a representative republic. We would elect a president, senators, and members of Congress, and they would represent us in Washington. By virtue of their desire to be re-elected, they would, for the most part, do at least a passable job of expressing the will of their constituents.

That was back in the old days, when we had government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

Now we are in the Obama era, and Chicago-style thug politics have come to Washington. Now it is government taking from the people and sticking it to the people. Political bribery and strong-arm tactics now decide the course of legislation. One congressman was even accosted in the House gymnasium shower room by a naked White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel. That is the Chicago way.

Could anyone over the age of 40, who has some historical perspective and memory of how our democratic institutions used to function, ever have imagined, before last Sunday, that a piece of legislation that was so loudly and bitterly opposed by two-thirds of the voters could become the law of the land?

The American people have fought against this bill for over a year. Public support for this government health-care takeover has steadily declined, especially in the past six months. We the people have spoken, loudly and clearly.

Even the voters in ultra-liberal Massachusetts elected a Republican, Scott Brown, to the Senate earlier this year because he promised to oppose Obamacare. The members of Congress know full well that we do not want this. So what was the response of our elected representatives to the will of "we the people"?

Basically, the Democrats in Congress have just flipped us the bird.

Call me crazy, but I doubt that this is the kind of democracy that Thomas Jefferson or James Madison had in mind. This is the trashing of the whole concept of majority rule. This is the will of the American people being overthrown by the secretive plotting of a small political elite.

This is a coup.

It is now clear that there is NOTHING that will stop the socialists in our Congress from trampling on our liberties. They do not intend to represent us. They intend to rule us.

We are no longer citizens in a free society. We are now subjects being dictated to by a government that does not care what we think.

So King Obama, despite the desires of his subjects, shoved and cajoled and threatened and wheeled and dealed until at last, in yet another long weekend marathon legislative session, he managed to ram through a government takeover of the American health care system. And just to rub salt in our wounds, he also took over the student loan program at the same time.

It's all in the fine print, you know -- and there is a LOT of fine print in the thousands of pages of this bill that no one has really had time to read. As Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House (and third in line for the Presidency) so eloquently put it recently, "We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it."

Nancy Pelosi is the poster child for what is wrong with America in 2010. When asked a few months ago if the provisions in the health care proposals that required people to purchase insurance were constitutional, Speaker Pelsoi responded incredulously, "You're kidding, right? Let's have a serious question."

When the Speaker of the House does not consider the constitutionality of proposed legislation to be a serious question, the future of our republic is in serious danger. The powers that be no longer even pretend to care about the Constitution.

A lot of Americans got fooled in the last election by a smooth-talking snake-oil salesman who wanted to be president so he could "transform" America. Well, we've been transformed. Do you feel better now?

We need to be angry. We need to stay angry. We need to focus like a laser on taking back control of our country from the charlatans who sweet-talked us into voting for "hope and change" in 2008.

We have one chance to save this country, for ourselves and for our children. There is an election looming this November. (Unless, of course, King Obama can persuade Congress that elections are no longer necessary, since he has the country under such benevolent control.)

Our only hope is to replace the members of Congress who voted for this abomination, and elect conservative representatives who actually respect the rule of law, and believe in the ideals of our Constitution. If we allow this regime to stay in control after the way they have flipped us off, then democracy in America is lost forever.

If we do not stand up, loudly and forcefully, and repudiate this coup at the ballot box this November, I do not believe there will be anything in the future that can stop the socialists who control Washington from doing anything they desire. As long as these people are in power, our liberties are in constant jeopardy.

The fulfillment of the socialist dream for America is at hand. Unless we reverse course, soon we will all be truly equal: equally poor, equally powerless, and equally enslaved by our government.