Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Questions, Questions, Questions

Happy to report that Mrs. Smith and I had a great time in downtown Indy at the Ribfest this past Sunday evening. One of my favorite bands, Collective Soul, played for 90 minutes to close out the festivities for that day.

During the concert, I engaged in one of my favorite past-times: people-watching. There was quite a diverse crowd of BBQ lovers on hand, and since that excursion, some stray questions have crossed my mind, which I will now share with you, in no particular order.

1. How would I look with a spiked yellow Mohawk?

2. Am I the only person in Indianapolis without a tattoo?

3. Would I look younger if I wore plaid boxer shorts and let my jeans slide halfway down my butt?

4. How much does it hurt to have your tongue pierced?

5. Can you really get people to give you money by leaning against a lamp post and shaking a plastic cup?

6. Who has time to write graffiti inside a port-o-let?

7. Who keeps a toddler up until 10:30 at night and takes him to a concert without hearing protection?

8. How far do you have to move away from a crying toddler so that you can enjoy the concert?

9. Why did I wear a white shirt to a Rib Festival?

10. After all these years, does Peggy ever get tired of cleaning me up?

11. If the street is dark and there is no policeman to see you, is it still jaywalking?

12. Why is there only one bench in Military Park?

13. Should women whose waist size exceeds their bust size wear tank tops in public?

14. How much does it cost to cover your entire upper torso in tattoos?

15. Would I feel self-conscious if I had a piece of metal stuck through my nose?