Friday, December 31, 2010

No Room for Jihad Sympathy Here

Indianapolis resident Kathie Smith made headlines this past week when Fox News reported that she has drawn the attention of the FBI and Homeland Security after posting a YouTube video that featured her and her husband, Salahudin ibn Ja’Far, dressed in jihadist garb and glorifying a group of terrorists who had attempted to bomb a US military base in Germany.

In a recent interview on a local news channel, the 46 year-old grandmother (who now goes by the Muslim name “Zubaida”) complained about being targeted for extra scrutiny by Homeland Security agents when she is flying to and from Germany to visit her 28 year-old Muslim husband.

DUH...ya think?

Gosh, a Muslim convert who posts jihad videos on YouTube and "friends" herself with Islamic terrorists on Facebook...what possible concern could the TSA have with a passenger like that? I can only hope she has gone through an enhanced pat-down if she is ever sitting next to me on a flight!

In the eyes of an Islamic jihadist, we in America are the infidels. The United States is the "Great Satan." According to the tenets of Sharia Law, we must either convert to Islam or be subjugated and destroyed. We, along with Israel, the "Little Satan", are the primary targets of the worldwide jihad.

What it clearly boils down to is that anyone who supports jihad is advocating violent acts of war against the United States. People with common sense might reasonably classify that as treason.

Smith claims she is being hassled because she is exercising her First Amendment rights to free speech. I am the strongest supporter of the First Amendment that you will ever meet, but when it comes to treasonous speech, we have to draw a line.

Article 3, Section 3 of the Constitution states: "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court."

Could a reasonable person conclude that associating with known terrorists and making videos sympathetic to their cause is adhering to the enemy and giving them aid and comfort?

My heritage traces back to German immigrants who came to the Midwest in the early 1900s. Indianapolis is home to multitudes of German descendants.

During World War II, you absolutely did NOT find any local German-Americans strutting about wearing swastikas and singing the praises of the Fuhrer. This is because these people were Americans first, and loved this country, and would never want to support an enemy of the USA.

Also, anyone crazy enough to have done such a thing would have been locked up, and rightfully so. We have wonderful freedoms in America, more than anywhere else in the world, but we do not have the right to betray our country.

Kathie Smith has no more right to live in Indianapolis and advocate our destruction in 2010 than my grandparents would have had to fly Nazi banners from their front porch in 1942.

Any culture that is so muddle-headed that it allows foreign enemies, or home-grown traitors, to operate with impunity is a society slowly committing suicide by stupidity. It's a kind of cultural Darwinism -- a nation too spineless to defend itself will eventually become extinct.

Our Constitution is the most magnificent political document in human history. All Americans cherish the guarantees of freedom it contains. But our liberties do not constitute a suicide pact. We all have a responsibility to defend the United States from enemies foreign and domestic. Our elected officials and military personnel declare an oath to that effect when they are sworn into service.

For the preservation of our culture -- for the sake of our children -- we have an obligation to deal swiftly with traitors.

Kathie Smith should be charged with treason and jailed, or deported to the Islamic utopia of her choice. Under no circumstances should she, or anyone else advocating jihad, be allowed to operate freely in our midst.

Such people have chosen to betray us. By supporting jihad, they are supporting the war against America.

For more information on this story:
Keeping Tabs on Granny Jihad
Fox 59 News Report