Thursday, February 9, 2012

Plunging Headlong Down the Well Shaft

To the Liberal mind, anything that stands in the way of maximizing contraception and abortion services must be eliminated. And as usual, Liberals are seeking more government power to more effectively control every aspect of our lives.

Their latest attack is on the Catholic Church.

In promulgating new insurance regulations under Obamacare, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently announced that virtually all employers will be required to offer employee insurance plans that cover
sterilization and contraceptives – including drugs that cause abortion. In addition, these services must be offered with no co-pays or deductibles.

Initially, there was talk that religious institutions might be exempted from this policy to accommodate "freedom of conscience," but that tolerant attitude got the heave-ho from HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, who will allow the "conscience" exemption to only those organizations that exist to inculcate religious values for the benefit of members of their own faith.

At least for now; what's to stop her from changing her mind again after the next election?

Religious hospitals and universities are therefore not exempt, since these institutions provide services to the general public. Ironic, isn't it, that by tolerantly serving people of all faiths you are forced by your government to forfeit the free exercise of your own?

Never mind that the Catholic Church, to it's great credit, has always affirmed the sanctity of human life as one of it's doctrinal foundations.

Never mind that there are over 44 million Catholics in this country.

Never mind that Catholic hospitals are private institutions founded to fulfill a religious duty to care for the sick.

Never mind that the First Amendment plainly declares that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."

If your religion regards human life as God-given and sacred, how can you freely exercise your religion if the government forces you to violate your conscience?

This latest HHS ruling exemplifies the kind of outrageous hokum that results when Congress abdicates it's responsibility to legislate, and instead creates unaccountable government bureaucracies to manufacture rules that have the force of law.

We are on the slipperiest of slippery slopes here: The day is coming when a Christian OB/GYN will have to decide whether he will bow to Caesar and perform abortions, or give up his medical practice.

WIBC's Greg Garrison said it even better: This isn't a slippery slope, it's a headlong plunge down a well shaft. If the government can arbitrarily make rules like this one, are there any limits left to federal power?

It is always the same with Liberals: Under the guise of "fairness" and "social justice" they bypass the established legal process and dictate, by administrative fiat or judicial meddling, how the rest of us are supposed to live our lives.

To the Liberal mind, the State is the supreme power. The individual is only of worth to the degree that he serves the interests of the State.

Let's just get it over with now and change the motto on our currency to "In Obama We Trust."