Tuesday, April 10, 2012

An Atheist Visits the Art Musem

He went to the museum late one afternoon.

He saw a beautiful oil painting.

It was a sunset beach scene in vivid colors:

gorgeous pastels of pink, orange and lavender.

He stood before the painting in awe.

He marveled at how many weeks

the artist must have toiled

over the details of this masterpiece.

With every stroke of brush on canvas

the artist had labored purposefully

to fulfill his vision.

How could anyone fail to appreciate

the magnificent craftsmanship

of such a creative endeavor?

Truly incredible.

Later, as he was leaving the museum,

he noticed the sun setting in the west.

Thin scattered clouds were aflame in crimson.

A flock of geese flew into the glaring horizon.

A whispering breeze caressed his face.

He stopped to admire the scene.

He marveled at how many billions of years

it must have taken for the universe

to randomly form itself into such beauty.

Truly incredible.

Then he walked on home,

as foolish and ignorant

as the day he was born.