Friday, July 23, 2010

Life Is an Assignment

I couldn't help but notice as time went on that people kept dying.

At first they were few and far between. My grandmother, then a long time passed, then a grandfather, then later mom, then some aunts and uncles and a mother-in-law, father, father-in-law...well, the pace keeps picking up.

In the past year I've buried three good friends.

Not trying to be a downer, but you may have forgotten that you are, in fact, going to die.
I think it was Jim Morrison who said, "Nobody gets out of here alive." My doctor commented once that life has a 100% mortality rate.

We don't like to think about it. We use euphemisms and play tricks on ourselves to keep from contemplating the inevitable final exit that we will make from this planet.

What we forget too often is that we were put here for a reason. God never accidentally created anyone. Each one of us is designed by the creator of the universe to fulfill a small piece of his cosmic plan. We were created for a mission.

Your life is an assignment.

So there's no use whining, as we so often do, about our problems or our disappointments. They come with the territory. God is not so much interested in fulfilling our desires as he is in us fulfilling his purposes.

The only way to begin to scratch the surface of your purpose is to come to the God who made you and make to him a gift of your life. Until you surrender your life to Jesus, you can never move ahead into the destiny that he has planned for you.

The Bible says that our lives are like a vapor, our days are short, our time here is as fleeting as the flowers that bloom today and wither tomorrow. Whatever God has planned for you, you should get busy and get to it ASAP.

You have one life to live. You have one chance to live it for God and make it count. You have one chance to fulfill your purpose for existence, and ensure that you can spend eternity in the presence of the glory of God.

Someday you will meet Jesus. Everyone will. If you meet him now while you're alive, you will meet him as your redeemer. If you put him off until you die, then you will meet him later as your judge. Not a good career move.

The clock is ticking. Tomorrow you will be another day older, and another day closer to eternity. Are you ready?